
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Star's Inspirations: Unconventional Guest Books

Weddings are often filled with traditions, many of which make the event memorable for the Bride and Groom as well as their guests.  I love tradition, especially at weddings, but I also think it can be fun to add a little twist to an old idea.  Unconventional guest books are a great way to add a bit of excitement to this wedding staple.  An unexpected guest book not only adds something creative to your big day, it leaves you and your hubby with a unique and sentimental treasure you can cherish forever.  There are many wonderful ways a Bride and Groom can ask guests to leave them a special message on their wedding day.  Below are some of my favorites...

Have a custom puzzle with a picture of you and your fiance made.  Ask each guest to choose a piece and write you a message on the back.

Ask guests to leave you a message on a Jenga block.  This would be fun to play every anniversary!

Photo courtesy of Oh! Weddings

Create a custom "Guest Lib" with things about you and your fiance and ask each guest to complete it. After the wedding, the "Guest Libs" can be complied into a funny little guest book.  Your guests will have a lot of fun with this one!

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

Set up a recording station for guests to leave you a video message.  You can either hire someone like The Guestbox or designate someone to do the recording for you. Or you can even set up a DIY station with directions for your guests.  After the wedding, combine all of the clips into a slide show.  You can even include music and text (if you are good at that sort of thing :)
Photo courtesy of Love & Lobster

This is one of the most unique ideas, and possibly my favorite!  Have a dictionary (maybe a beautiful vintage one) and ask quests to choose a word that best describes you as a couple, circle it and write their message.  Then ask them to tag their word so you know where to find it.  This would be an awesome coffee table book after the wedding!

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

Ask guests to sign a sentimental object (if it is hand made by a loved one, even better!).  It can be a bench, a large rock, a chair, a storage chest, a frame... the possibilities are endless!  After the wedding you can display the signed object in your home or garden.

Photo courtesy of Style Me Pretty

Now this may not count as an actual "unconventional guest book" since it is quite popular but I've decided to include it since it is still considered outside the norm of the basic guest book of the past.  Have a book complied of your engagement pictures made by your photographers and ask guests to leave you a message in it.  It is a nice keepsake and it gives your guests a chance to view your engagement pictures.  Today, this may now even be considered an oldie, but still a goodie and one of the most popular!

Photo courtesy of Wedding Photography Design

As you can see, there are many creative and unconventional ways to collect messages from your guests on your wedding day.  Please let us know if you've come across any other unique "guests books" at weddings you've attended by commenting below.  


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