
Friday, February 01, 2013

Star's Inspirations: The Perfect Valentine's Day Card

Valentine's Day is right around the corner which means I am on the hunt for the perfect card for my  dear husband.  Cards have always meant a lot to me, even back when I used to adorn them with macaroni.  I enjoy perusing the card isle of my favorite stationary shops and choosing the perfect card for the perfect person on the perfect occasion.  From time to time I even enjoy making my own cards.  

According to, Valentine's Day has been celebrated for centuries in various countries throughout the world.  By the mid 18th century, friends and lovers of all social classes exchanged handwritten notes or small tokens of affection in the name of St. Valentine.  "According to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated 1 billion Valentine's Day cards are sent each year... Women purchase approximately 85% of all valentines" -  Although Valentine's Day can often seem like a cheesy holiday, I must admit, I love it!  I like the idea of taking one day in the middle of cold, gloomy February to express your love for others and feel loved as well.  It's also a good excuse to get a mani-pedi, wear a sexy red dress and if your lucky, get flowers and chocolates!

In previous years, my husband and I exchanged cards for every major event: birthdays, holidays, graduations, promotions, anniversaries, etc.  My hubby always chose a nice card and wrote a thoughtful message in it and I did the same until a few years ago when he suggested that we stop giving each other cards.  He felt that since we'd been together for a number of years, that a card for every occasion was unnecessary.  At first I was disappointed and a little sad, but when I really thought about it, I understood and actually kind of agreed; however, I wasn't ready to say goodbye to exchanging cards forever!  We compromised and decided on two cards a year: One for Valentine's Day and one for our Anniversary (the occasional love note is ok too :).  I kind of enjoy this new tradition because it makes these two cards mean so much more.  Now that we have a little one, I know I may not have the time to peruse the card isle like I used to, so I am shopping online.  I've found so many I love but I've narrowed it down to the following:

I'm slightly obsessed with Paper Source products, and their cards are no exception.  Love these! 

How fun is this check box/fill in the blank card?!

Photos courtesy of Paper Source

Papyrus' cards are always stunning.  They are so detailed and intricate that the recipient of the card can't help but feel special!
Photo courtesy of Papyrus 

Etsy is a great place to find super unique cards.  A few of these are sweet and a few are silly. Love them all!

Photos courtesy of (1) Etsy Shop PABD Elegance, (2) Etsy Shop jdeluce
(3) Etsy Shop StrangerDays, (4) Etsy Shop PABD Elegance

Whether you are single, in a relationship, engaged, or married, I hope you'll enjoy choosing the perfect card for a special someone.



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